Vernee certainly aren’t media shy and often pop up in the headlines with one of their new phones, but today’s news doesn’t concern a new device but rather an update for one.
Android 7.0 is the flavour of the month and Chinese phone makers are tumbling over one another to bring the latest Android taste to their smartphones ahead of the competition. So who will be first?
While OnePlus plan to be one of the first, so do UMi and now Vernee have put themselves in the race. Well actually they claim they will be the first to release the update on a 10 core smartphone.
Vernee says that they are already working on Android 7.0 for their Vernee Apollo Lite smartphone and state that the official update will come sometime in December.
Android 7.0 brings plenty of exciting new features to Android including more Emoji options, split screen application usage, fast and easy app switching, better notifications, and (possibly one of the most important) better battery optimisations.
Are you looking forward to an Android 7.0 update for your phone?
My jiayu s3 running 7.1 beg to differ
The Jiayu S3 has only an octa-core processor, so the Vernee might indeed be the first deca-core processor powered phone with Android 7.
lol, as if number of cores matters..
I am not saying that it matters! But that is the claim made by Vernee. So if any other Chinese phone, not using a deca-core, beat them to it, they are still in the race! Just saying and I am fully aware that this is nitpicking!
The x20 DECA core chip is mediateks flagship chip right now. In essence, they are saying that they will be the first phone whose flagship mediatek devices will have 7.0. Which means they will at least be one of the first chinese phone makers to officially upgrade their phones to 7.0. That’s kind of a big deal. The Jiayu is developed by third party people from within the android modding community.
Big deal, if only they release it with less bugs than the others who will do it later.
Seeings how most others won’t even attempt to bring their current phones to 7.0, its still a pretty big feet. There once was a time not to long ago where you wouldn’t get any official support period.
Yet, I guess android 6.0 is currently the most stable android one can get.
Better late, but with less bugs!
My jiayu s3 running 7.1 beg to differ
The Jiayu S3 has only an octa-core processor, so the Vernee might indeed be the first deca-core processor powered phone with Android 7.
lol, as if number of cores matters..
Yet, I guess android 6.0 is currently the most stable android one can get.
I am not saying that it matters! But that is the claim made by Vernee. So if any other Chinese phone, not using a deca-core, beat them to it, they are still in the race! Just saying and I am fully aware that this is nitpicking!
The x20 DECA core chip is mediateks flagship chip right now. In essence, they are saying that they will be the first phone whose flagship mediatek devices will have 7.0. Which means they will at least be one of the first chinese phone makers to officially upgrade their phones to 7.0. That’s kind of a big deal. The Jiayu is developed by third party people from within the android modding community.
Big deal, if only they release it with less bugs than the others who will do it later.
Seeings how most others won’t even attempt to bring their current phones to 7.0, its still a pretty big feet. There once was a time not to long ago where you wouldn’t get any official support period. For example, the Jiayu S3, officially, is still stuck on android 5.0 and the unofficial 7.0 rom is still in beta with a few bugs. Xiaomi phones have just recently gotten 6.0 and will remain there for quite a while. While I am skeptical about this announcement, Vernee have for the most part updated their phones quiet a few times which is nothing to slouch at.
Better late, but with less bugs!
It should be pretty easy when they use stock.
It should be pretty easy when they use stock.
Since SW support is important for me, I will closely watch which manufactures upgrade their phones and which don’t care about you once you pay them for the phone.
I was thinking about getting a Vernee phone and if this is true, they will win clearly.
Since SW support is important for me, I will closely watch which manufactures upgrade their phones and which don’t care about you once you pay them for the phone.
I was thinking about getting a Vernee phone and if this is true, they will win clearly.