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  1. Milkshake from Mazatlan

    Milkshake from Mazatlan Milkshake

    Nov 7, 2019
    How often you check your belly Button and what do you do with it, Do you Push it?
    • Funny Funny x 7
    1. Jh2
      Every day it's like a lint trap in a dryer
      Jh2, Sep 28, 2020
    2. Cherrypop
      This made me snort lol. I never check it honestly. Except when I’m rubbing lotion on my tummy and some lotion gets in there :D
      Cherrypop, Sep 29, 2020
  2. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017

    Roger's solo on the Electric Shirt Collar starts at 3:37
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Anniemated

    Anniemated Writer of fantasies, achiever of dreams In XNXX Heaven

    Mar 21, 2019
    Why is it assumed because you're on this site that you're American?!
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. Sweetpassion
      I thought people assumed everyone wasn't. Lol
      Sweetpassion, Sep 29, 2020
    2. Jh2
      Stupid Americans
      Jh2, Sep 29, 2020
    3. aesopstails
      Get over yourselves.
      aesopstails, Sep 29, 2020
    4. Jh2
      Can't make me
      Jh2, Sep 29, 2020
    5. StrawberryCupcake
      I’d rather someone else get over myself.:p
      StrawberryCupcake, Sep 30, 2020
      Jh2 and deegenerate like this.
  4. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
    Where the freak did our Fall weather go? Brrr it's chilly!! I'm not cussing this morning. I'm behaving so far. :p
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
  5. Jh2

    Jh2 Porn Star

    Jul 9, 2019
    I hope I didn't hear a T rex
    • Funny Funny x 4
    1. deegenerate
      It must have been the one that I saw running around yesterday!
      deegenerate, Sep 29, 2020
    2. Jh2
      Oh shit not again
      Jh2, Sep 29, 2020
    3. ironfistvk
      Considering how this year has been, a T rex would be fun to watch running around :D
      ironfistvk, Sep 29, 2020
    4. Jh2
      I'm very disappointed it was only a big rig stuck in the circle he was probably here to buy drugs
      Jh2, Sep 29, 2020
    5. ironfistvk
      ironfistvk, Sep 29, 2020
  6. ironfistvk

    ironfistvk Porn Star

    Jun 28, 2010
    If Jesus could walk on water, feed a thousand with single loaf of bread, turn water into wine.....how come he couldnt handle 3 nails? Must be an alien who is allergic to metal.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Lioness
      Yes, I know he wasn't white, but I have never heard of a Jew referred to as a colored man. The reason he was born in Bethlehem was because of the prophecy to Bethlehem and Joseph and Mary were required to go to Bethlehem, the City of David, for a census. Go to Israel and call a Jewish man colored and see what happens.
      Lioness, Sep 29, 2020
    3. ironfistvk
      When I first meant colored I meant it as a joke (I have dark sense of humour) drawing parallels to the protests.
      ironfistvk, Sep 29, 2020
    4. Lioness
      Well, your first post wasn't funny to me at all.
      Lioness, Sep 30, 2020
    5. ironfistvk
      ironfistvk, Sep 30, 2020
    6. Lioness
      I'm done here.
      Lioness, Sep 30, 2020
  7. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    Where are people going that they feel the need to zoom around in a school zone?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
  8. dirtyjedi

    dirtyjedi King ding a ling Banned!

    Jun 7, 2011
    That horrible feeling when the zigzap packet announces you need to move

    5 papers left.... F.u
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. ironfistvk

    ironfistvk Porn Star

    Jun 28, 2010
    So am watching For all mankind and a wife (named karen) gets pissed off at her husband when he doesnt say yes right away when she brings up that wife of another astronaut cant do what he does and that women cant just waltz in and become astronaut candidate (there is more but I simplified it) and a thought popped in....perhaps the biggest impediments to women arent men (not in it entirety) but women who are jealous of other women.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. dirtyjedi
      Its territorial behaviour,women will judge another woman in 15 seconds with one glance and make up their mind whether that other woman is a threat to her.Then smile to her face and compliment her.
      Its all in the eyes
      dirtyjedi, Sep 29, 2020
  10. dirtyjedi

    dirtyjedi King ding a ling Banned!

    Jun 7, 2011
    Some typos are just too epic
  11. Milkshake from Mazatlan

    Milkshake from Mazatlan Milkshake

    Nov 7, 2019
    Why you Ask.
    Citizens of the World
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    I need a drink
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Milkshake from Mazatlan

    Milkshake from Mazatlan Milkshake

    Nov 7, 2019
    And a Toak
    • Like Like x 1
  14. King331

    King331 Porn Star

    Apr 28, 2019
    Got drink.. got smoke... Got dick... Need pinocha
  15. bigbird

    bigbird Dirty English Gent

    Aug 4, 2006
    Word of the day: PANGLOSSIAN - excessively optimistic
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. bigbird

    bigbird Dirty English Gent

    Aug 4, 2006
    ding ding take a ticket and join the queue
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Dirtylittlekitten

    Dirtylittlekitten Porn Surfer

    Sep 29, 2020
    Literally everything
  18. jayhawthorne

    jayhawthorne Sex Lover

    Mar 22, 2017
    Illicit substances.....and more specifically how fucking far the mind and body can be pushed dependent upon one's preferred cocktail;) Since there's a limited amount of research conducted in the field the obvious choice was to delve directly into a longitudinal study and observation....and studying plus practice.....and pushing more practice.....and well it's just so time consuming that I should get back to work, cheers;)!
  19. bigbird

    bigbird Dirty English Gent

    Aug 4, 2006
    dealing with stupid people makes my head hurt
  20. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    A half-assed apology is worse than no apology at all
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Like Like x 1
    1. dirtyjedi
      Epic boobs hath spoken, heed these words
      dirtyjedi, Sep 30, 2020