Sony said this week that its next handheld, code-named Next Generation Portable (NGP), will feature 3G support. But an executive now says that not every model of the device will have it.
Although all versions of the NGP will support Wi-Fi, only one will feature the 3G network, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO Andrew House told Eurogamer Thursday.
House told the European website that there would be an extra cost for the persistent connection, though he would not share any details beyond that.
The official spec sheet for NGP, which Sony released this week, made no mention of separate models -- it simply said that the machine would sport a 3G antenna. Sony America representatives did not respond Friday to's requests for comment.
As anyone with a 3G-capable phone can vouch, the network isn't nearly as fast as Wi-Fi. That's why Sony doesn't expect gamers to stress out over real-time games on 3G. Instead, House points to "asynchronous gaming," users playing together but at different times.
By "keeping [the] link with you," you'll be able to take turns or respond to in-game attacks wherever you go, he says.
Next Generation Portable will have a high-resolution OLED screen, dual analog sticks and two touch panels.
Sony says it will release the device during the 2011 holiday season, although Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO Jack Tretton indicated to Engadget that this does not necessarily mean a worldwide launch.
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