candaulism It's a thing

Wife flashing is almost as exciting as sharing her body with another man. We longed for the return of hot summer days, as they provided the most opportunities to "accidently" let men pilfer peeks of her exposed intimate body parts, such as side and under boob and ass cheeks. Like any addiction, we wanted stronger doses, with her being completely naked for a long time, not a brief flash.

We bought an expensive 35mm camera and we placed an ad in local photography magazine asking for a good photographer to help me shoot her in lingerie and naked, as I didn't know how to get the most out of the camera. We had some great exposure times with this cover story for her being naked. We would greet the fellow with her dressed. After some chit chat showing him the camera, she would leave to undress. Her reentering the room naked always proved breathtaking for both me and our helper. Much time was spent talking about potential shots, while she stood naked in front of him.

One problem we encountered, however, with our ad asking for photo shooting help was that most of the guys were too much into the actual photography. I understand this now, but back then it just amazed me. For example, after a hot, two-hour long, nude photo shoot, I would ask the guy if he would be willing to help us take some X-rated photos. In other words, would he photograph us fucking. Guess what, less than half (way less than half) said yes! Why didn’t they all say yes? Some were married or in a committed relationship and they felt it wouldn't be right; some were too bashful; no doubt, some were afraid of me (I could have easily passed for a bouncer).

So, about three months after our first ad, we placed a second ad in the local paper's personal section that explained that I just loved photographing my wife nude, but that we had used up our home as a venue and we needed a new backdrop, which could be just about anything, as long as it was attractive or interesting, such as a flower garden or a large piano or a brick wall or a hammock... hell, if they had an ugly sofa or an incredibly messy workroom, that was great too, as long as it would make an interesting photo and show off her naked body. The guys that answered this ad were not photographers, just horny men that longed to see a naked woman in their house or backyard or atop their motorcycle—this turned out to be a big fantasy for many motorcycle-riding men, so much so, we thought of taking out an ad in a motorcycle club newspaper.

I remember one time we visited a guy with a super rare old motorcycle. He was surprisingly young (about 29 and clean cut and handsome. We had a great time making her strike crazy poses on his bike. At the very end, she got off the seat and she was terrified to see the big wet spot her vaginal fluids had left. She was in a panic, trying to find a tissue. I told her to calm down and I took a photo of the wet spot. He told us not worry. She dressed ad we left. She wanted to know why we hadn't cleaned her wet spot off. I explained that he was probably licking it clean right then. I went on to tell her how intensely he had stared at her pussy opening up during one of the poses with her ass high up off the seat, her torso bent, and her hands on the handgrips. I detailed how her labia and vagina unfolded and opened like a flower blooming, revealing her pink flesh and wet opening.

Now, her embarrassment turned into sexual desire.
Candaulism is a sexual practice or fantasy in which a man exposes his female partner, or images of her, to other people for their voyeuristic pleasure.

The term may also be applied to the practice of undressing or otherwise exposing a female partner to others, or urging or forsing her to engage in sexual relations with a third person, such as during a swinging activity. Similarly, the term may also be applied to the posting of personal images of a female partner on the internet or urging or forsing her to wear clothing which reveals her physical attractiveness to others, such as by wearing very brief clothing, such as a microskirt, tight-fitting or see-through clothing or a low-cut top.

History of the term

The term is derived from ancient King Candaules who conceived a plot to show his unaware naked wife to his servant Gyges of Lydia. After discovering Gyges while he was watching her naked, Candaules' wife ordered him to choose between killing himself or killing her husband in order to repair the vicious mischief.[1][2][3]

The term was first defined by Richard von Krafft-Ebing in his book: Psychopathia sexualis. Eine klinisch-forensische Studie (Stuttgart: Enke 1886).[4]


Isidor Sadger hypothesized that the candaulist completely identifies with his partner's body, and deep in his mind is showing himself.[5] Candaulism is also associated with voyeurism and exhibitionism. An alternative definition proposes it as a practice involving one person observing, often from concealment, two others having sexual relations.

Historical instances

The case of Sir Richard Worsley, Bt, against George Bissett for "criminal conversation", that is adultery with Lady Worsley, revealed an incident in which Sir Richard had assisted Bissett to spy on Lady Worsley taking a bath.[6]

The art collector and connoisseur Charles Saatchi has considered the influence of candaulism upon the work of Salvador Dali, citing episodes recorded by the artist's biographers in which his wife Gala was displayed to other men.[7]

The notorious American FBI agent caught spying for the Soviet Union (later, Russia), Robert Hanssen, took explicit photographs of his wife and sent them to a friend. Later Hanssen invited his friend to clandestinely observe him having sex with his wife during his occasional visits to the Hanssen household. Initially, his friend watched through a window from outside the house. Later, Hanssen appropriated video equipment from the FBI to set up closed-circuit television to allow his friend to watch from his guest bedroom.[8] Hanssen also posted sexually explicit stories to the Internet crafted to allow readers who knew the Hanssens to identify them, also without his wife's knowledge.

In literature

Candaulism is a theme of A Dance to the Music of Time, the cycle of novels by Anthony Powell. A key scene in the penultimate volume Temporary Kings, is set in a Venetian palazzo under a ceiling on which Tiepolo has depicted King Candaules allowing his wife to be seen naked by Gyges. The theme of voyeurism runs through the sequence of novels including a scene in which the arch-villain, Kenneth Widmerpool watches his wife with a lover.

In the Book of Esther the King orders Queen Vashti to appear before his guests wearing her crown and she refuses. Some commentators have taken this to mean her crown and nothing else, which if accurate would place this story as an example definitely fall into the description of the term at the very top of your post. Something very erotic is to stand behind my girlfriend and slowly undress her in front of her bull . Also have altered her clothing collection to show a bit more in public . If your like me, would love to hear from you !
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Early one Saturday morning, I had been at breakfast with a buddy and he had complained about how boring his life was, which gave me an idea. I got up to visit the restroom and instead I called my wife to tell her that I would be bringing a man home with me in exactly 45 minutes and I wanted her to be waiting for me on the sofa, naked; and she was to pretend that I hadn’t just called her. She was also to have a large towel or robe with her to cover herself with, but she wasn’t to cover her ass, as she walked into our bedroom to get dressed; I also wanted her to dress sexily, but not in anything too revealing when she returned to the living room. She begged me to be able to wear something when he arrived, as being completely naked at that time was tough for her (later she grew to love it), but I refused to relent.

Almost exactly forty-five minutes later, I opened the door and let my friend in, I pointed to the living room and he walked in and saw my 24 year-old wife on sitting the sofa naked, except for her most expensive black Italian heels, which cost a fortune. She was resting her heels on the coffee table, so her knees were open a few inches, while she held a paperback in her hands. She let out a small "Oops" and she said, while grabbing her towel, “And here I thought I was going to surprise you.”

She got up with the towel in front of her, but not holding it well enough to completely cover her breasts and she introduced herself to my buddy, shook his hand, and said to him, “Please excuse me while I change into something less comfortable.”

She walked away towards our bedroom with her ass completely exposed and jiggling nicely with each step in her high heels. Perfect. All of it was perfect. I loved the James Bond type lines she came up with. When she came out, she was wearing the same shoes, but with a very sexy summer dress, a little too sexy for me, as I wanted a stronger contrast between her naked and dressed. No sex, well at least no sex with him. I was super impressed by her boldness, as I wasn't sure she would go through with it, as I wasn't there to edge her on. I loved her lines, which she might have taken from some James Bond movie, such as Thunderball. Still, it was a great time.

She, like most women, thought her ass was monstrously too big, so I was so pleased that she didn't cover her ass as she walked into our bedroom. (Eventually, she grew to accept her ass, as so many men had told her that she had a fine ass.)
Candaulism is a sexual practice or fantasy in which a man exposes his female partner, or images of her, to other people for their voyeuristic pleasure.

The term may also be applied to the practice of undressing or otherwise exposing a female partner to others, or urging or forsing her to engage in sexual relations with a third person, such as during a swinging activity. Similarly, the term may also be applied to the posting of personal images of a female partner on the internet or urging or forsing her to wear clothing which reveals her physical attractiveness to others, such as by wearing very brief clothing, such as a microskirt, tight-fitting or see-through clothing or a low-cut top.

History of the term

The term is derived from ancient King Candaules who conceived a plot to show his unaware naked wife to his servant Gyges of Lydia. After discovering Gyges while he was watching her naked, Candaules' wife ordered him to choose between killing himself or killing her husband in order to repair the vicious mischief.[1][2][3]

The term was first defined by Richard von Krafft-Ebing in his book: Psychopathia sexualis. Eine klinisch-forensische Studie (Stuttgart: Enke 1886).[4]


Isidor Sadger hypothesized that the candaulist completely identifies with his partner's body, and deep in his mind is showing himself.[5] Candaulism is also associated with voyeurism and exhibitionism. An alternative definition proposes it as a practice involving one person observing, often from concealment, two others having sexual relations.

Historical instances

The case of Sir Richard Worsley, Bt, against George Bissett for "criminal conversation", that is adultery with Lady Worsley, revealed an incident in which Sir Richard had assisted Bissett to spy on Lady Worsley taking a bath.[6]

The art collector and connoisseur Charles Saatchi has considered the influence of candaulism upon the work of Salvador Dali, citing episodes recorded by the artist's biographers in which his wife Gala was displayed to other men.[7]

The notorious American FBI agent caught spying for the Soviet Union (later, Russia), Robert Hanssen, took explicit photographs of his wife and sent them to a friend. Later Hanssen invited his friend to clandestinely observe him having sex with his wife during his occasional visits to the Hanssen household. Initially, his friend watched through a window from outside the house. Later, Hanssen appropriated video equipment from the FBI to set up closed-circuit television to allow his friend to watch from his guest bedroom.[8] Hanssen also posted sexually explicit stories to the Internet crafted to allow readers who knew the Hanssens to identify them, also without his wife's knowledge.

In literature

Candaulism is a theme of A Dance to the Music of Time, the cycle of novels by Anthony Powell. A key scene in the penultimate volume Temporary Kings, is set in a Venetian palazzo under a ceiling on which Tiepolo has depicted King Candaules allowing his wife to be seen naked by Gyges. The theme of voyeurism runs through the sequence of novels including a scene in which the arch-villain, Kenneth Widmerpool watches his wife with a lover.

In the Book of Esther the King orders Queen Vashti to appear before his guests wearing her crown and she refuses. Some commentators have taken this to mean her crown and nothing else, which if accurate would place this story as an example.
Wow, great information. Thanks
Early one Saturday morning, I had been at breakfast with a buddy and he had complained about how boring his life was, which gave me an idea. I got up to visit the restroom and instead I called my wife to tell her that I would be bringing a man home with me in exactly 45 minutes and I wanted her to be waiting for me on the sofa, naked; and she was to pretend that I hadn’t just called her. She was also to have a large towel or robe with her to cover herself with, but she wasn’t to cover her ass, as she walked into our bedroom to get dressed; I also wanted her to dress sexily, but not in anything too revealing when she returned to the living room. She begged me to be able to wear something when he arrived, as being completely naked at that time was tough for her (later she grew to love it), but I refused to relent.

Almost exactly forty-five minutes later, I opened the door and let my friend in, I pointed to the living room and he walked in and saw my 24 year-old wife on sitting the sofa naked, except for her most expensive black Italian heels, which cost a fortune. She was resting her heels on the coffee table, so her knees were open a few inches, while she held a paperback in her hands. She let out a small "Oops" and she said, while grabbing her towel, “And here I thought I was going to surprise you.”

She got up with the towel in front of her, but not holding it well enough to completely cover her breasts and she introduced herself to my buddy, shook his hand, and said to him, “Please excuse me while I change into something less comfortable.”

She walked away towards our bedroom with her ass completely exposed and jiggling nicely with each step in her high heels. Perfect. All of it was perfect. I loved the James Bond type lines she came up with. When she came out, she was wearing the same shoes, but with a very sexy summer dress, a little too sexy for me, as I wanted a stronger contrast between her naked and dressed. No sex, well at least no sex with him. I was super impressed by her boldness, as I wasn't sure she would go through with it, as I wasn't there to edge her on. I loved her lines, which she might have taken from some James Bond movie, such as Thunderball. Still, it was a great time.

She, like most women, thought her ass was monstrously too big, so I was so pleased that she didn't cover her ass as she walked into our bedroom. (Eventually, she grew to accept her ass, as so many men had told her that she had a fine ass.)
seeing my wife disciplined and then pleasured by a stranger is hot.
yeah you're dead right i love to see my wife at a disadvantage and in the hands and control of a dirty old bloke whos dying for cunt and cant believe his luck to have something over her that compels her to do everything he says and she has to let him do anything he want to her bum cunt and titties and want to touch and taste her everywhere and never lets her forget whos in charge lol

lovely nothing nicer than seeing her bum up panties down and cock in her cunt

other than someone else catching her like that and blackmailing her into getting a smacked bare bottom over their knee to buy their silence lol
yeah still love to see her bent over and see her titties dangling and her bare bum stuck up in the air with her cheeky stinky wet cunt lips peeping out from her cunt curls

heres a recovered video again cant be 100%who it is but id guess the old betrayer guy ive posted about before ,i just love the way he so casually pulls down her knickers and handles and manipulates her cunt lips and parts them to receive his fingers such a turn on to see my wife treated like this by someone who has no business treating her this way but does it anyway and she has to let him
and how shes loving his treatment of her naughty bottom and wet cunt lol
View attachment 20190712_103554_3.mp4
definitely applies to me , i love engineering situations and watching my wife exposed and submitting to others ,love to see her panties pulled down and spanked and fingered across someones knee ,and sharing the background and videos
here's one i filmed earlier

years earlier lol
View attachment 992924
This kinda a perv favorite fantasy if mine. I'd love to invite 3 of my hunting buddies over for dinner and have the wife maybe cook the bread a little over done. And then when we are finished, I'd tell her she needs to be punished for burning the bread, and I would proceed to punish her in front of my friends like this. Of course the spanking would be playful as she would know that I am doing it for slight humiliation onc her but more to show her charms off to the boys. I'd let them give her a spank also. maybe I won't let them spank her, but I want to pull those cheeks apart like that to show the boys the view between her cheeks. Maybe I'll hold hr ass open and let them get a good feel if they'd like.

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