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  1. RCummings

    RCummings Porn Star

    Sep 20, 2016
    Following a conversation on here I got to thinking. Is there anything a partner has asked for or wanted you to do that you absolutely wouldnt.?
    Have you ever asked or tried to engage your partner in something that they were dead set against.?

    I have to say there is stuff I wouldnt but luckily it has never come up so never been an issue. My Ex seemed to enjoy anal an awful lot and a few occasions insisted despite but it wasnt that I was dead set against anal, just not wanting to on those particular occasions.

    I do have a friend who told me she absolutely hated and wouldnt perform oral on her husband, I have no idea what he thought about it but in my experience every man I have ever encountered has been totally into it, so I guess he must have felt left out.

    Over to you guys ? What wont he or she do that you would really like or what does he or she want that you totally wont go to
    • Like Like x 3
    1. Roadrash024
      Haven't had a bj in 3 years. It's been discussed numerous times. Not necessarily rejected, but still haven't got one so, actions speak louder than words... super frustrating
      Roadrash024, Feb 28, 2022
  2. amethyst10

    amethyst10 Porn Star In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 24, 2015
    My single venture into group sex (a foursome) came to an quick ending when my husband and the other guy decided they were going to penetrate my pussy and ass at the same time. I told them no and when they continued to try I freaked out and went out and sat naked in the car until my husband came out. I would have went home without him but he had the car key. The foursome wasn't something I wanted to do in the first place but I went along with it. It wasn't too long after this that I divorced the SOB. That's the only time I can recall when I absolutely refused to do something. I can't think of anything that I've ever asked for that was refused by my partner. There are things that I wouldn't do but I can't imagine me getting involved with someone who would ask for them or want them.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
    1. RCummings
      Thats awful. I have had a few threesomes and foursomes but never has DP been discussed or attempted. I would hate that. I have had a guy at the top and one at the other end and that was fun.
      RCummings, Nov 15, 2017
    2. speakeasy
      That's my favorite type of DP.
      Kevin calls it the "Chinese Finger Trap" position.
      I'm not into anal (but will if the occasion calls for it) so the type of DP you're talking about here is not something I go looking for.
      Not to say it hasn't happened but I'm certainly not the one wanting it.
      speakeasy, Nov 16, 2017
      Tattooed rob, Big Guy 4 her and reddd like this.
    3. John227
      Was he your first husband, whom I think you said was a big deal and you felt flattered that he paid attention to you 'as a commoner'? As Springsteen79 said below, he sounds like a real dick.
      John227, Nov 16, 2017
      Big Guy 4 her likes this.
    4. amethyst10
      Yes, he was my first husband and @springsteen79 was quite right about him being a dick.
      amethyst10, Nov 16, 2017
  3. fireprox

    fireprox Porno Junky

    Nov 9, 2017
    Short n sweet a friend asked for me to marry a relative in Thailand so they can come to the states. And I just turned 20 at the time lol
    • Like Like x 4
  4. fairdinkumdevo

    fairdinkumdevo Sex Lover

    Aug 7, 2016
    I hinted an hinted an x of mine to let me put it in her ass, well one night I put it on her again, she reverse cowgirled me for a second leaped up and then drove my dry cock straight up her ass , I learned a big lesson that day.
    • Like Like x 5
  5. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    For her (my wife) I'll offer sucking on her toes which does completely nothing for me, for me she has experienced pissing on me and me in her that she would have never imagined.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  6. Hambone66

    Hambone66 Porn Star

    Aug 1, 2017
    To fuck one of our mutual friends while she was blackout drunk
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    1. speakeasy
      The year after I was the half time entertainment for a group of guys (long story. don't ask) they wanted me to let them Ruffie me so they could do whatever they wanted (with Kevin there for safety)
      I thought "wait a second. Last year I did some things that I never thought I'd ever do. You guys triple teamed me, I sucked you and fucked you individually and in various combinations. When you came in my mouth, I swallowed. When you came on me, I left it there. You came in my ass and vagina. You tied me up and blindfolded me. What the fuck do you want to do to me while I'm unconscious that I didn't let you do to me when I was fully awake?"
      I passed on the offer.
      speakeasy, Nov 16, 2017
    2. fairdinkumdevo
      I've said and done things that I suppose class me as an asshole, but if you've got to slip it in while she is out cold, that makes you a CUNT!!!
      fairdinkumdevo, Sep 5, 2018
      Tattooed rob likes this.
  7. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
    I declined a mmmf yes 3 guys and myself. But two of them was my exs cousins. Damn it now i wish i had of. Piss play is something i thought i would never do but tried. But i have had a few weird fucking offers so i have turned a few things down. I find in my past men turned down more things i suggested than things they asked of me. Like examples....nipple clamps, being pegged lol
    • Like Like x 7
    1. KatieColorado
      When I was in college I did the MMMF thing. I'll never do it again but at the time and in the moment, it was nothing short of amazing. One of the guys was a frequent FWB situation, the 2nd I knew and was the occasional hookup but not a real FWB. The third was kinda random, I knew of him, but didn't know him all that well until that night. It was nothing short of intense. Like I said, wouldn't repeat it but I don't regret it either. I was young, stupid horny, careless and carefree. :)
      KatieColorado, Nov 15, 2017
  8. noboat

    noboat Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2009
    Rake the leafs i hate rakeing leafs
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. springsteen79

    springsteen79 xnxx lifer

    Feb 8, 2015
    That's too bad......he really was a dick!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. stacilv

    stacilv Porn Star Banned!

    Sep 2, 2016
    I am quite often asked for things I wont do.. .they are usually politely declined.... unless of course it is the first thing out of someones mouth (or keyboard).... then the conversation ends.
    • Like Like x 5
  11. luckyonehere2014

    luckyonehere2014 Porn Star

    Nov 4, 2014
    For me, it depends on whom is asking....
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  12. Very Naughty Hubby

    Very Naughty Hubby Sex Machine

    Apr 18, 2014
    Lets see,...my wife refuses to try anal with my dick. She'll take a finger or tongue, but not my dick. She also refuses to talk real dirty during sex. She refuses to engage with me, her foolish husband, sexting. She refuses to swallow. She refuses anything else above this normal line of what many (I guess) people practice in their relationships.

    I on the other hand will try just about anything once now a days.

    Although,..in college I refused to fuck a girl (completely unknown to me) that was wasted. No if we got drunk together, then yeah we screwed.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Only once did I give a flat out no babe!!

    All the other occasions I turned it into a negotiation!:)

  14. newlicker2

    newlicker2 Porn Star

    Jun 13, 2017
    Pee ! I was asked to pee on a guy and wouldn't do it ! Turned me right off!
    • Like Like x 3
  15. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    Well my wife is dead set against the following:

    Oral sex giving or receiving
    Letting me touch her in anyway..down there
    kissing or sucking her nipples
    Kissing her on the mouth
    anal sex... of course
    vaginal sex and this includes being allowed to finger her or stimulate her in anyway
    Talking about sex
    mentioning even in passing that having sex with her would be nice
    Talking about why the fuck she is so disinterested
    Well apparently it is normal at her age and I am just to too stupid to understand this simple fact of life
    Then there is kissing me
    Touching me
    or showing even the slightest interest in me sexually

    I don't know perhaps she will feel more at ease when she comes home and sees me balls deep in a pretty woman because honestly that's where its headed
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
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    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. Very Naughty Hubby
      Sounds like my situation as well. I forgot to add on my reply that she has to be in a certain mood to suck me. Well,....that last mood showed itself just shy of 2 years ago.
      It's terrible man,..I feel ya!
      Very Naughty Hubby, Nov 15, 2017
      jhnthis, Dobal, Rothko and 1 other person like this.
    2. springsteen79
      Yep.......all of the above here also guys. I'm also told I'm not permitted to watch movies with nudity. I believe my last sexual session with her was early August. Now she gives me episodes of rage. Ahhhhhh, the joy.......
      springsteen79, Nov 15, 2017
      Very Naughty Hubby likes this.
    3. Akeelah Merin
      I have been that pretty woman on multiple occasions, I suspect I will be that pretty girl many times more - I certainly am willing. I'm sorry guys - that's got to be rough.
      Akeelah Merin, Nov 17, 2017
  16. mr masters

    mr masters Porn Surfer

    Nov 8, 2017
    nit sure if this counts, but once i refused to receive a blowjob! not because i didnt like them, but because i didnt want her to smell and taste the pussy of the other woman i just had wrapped around my dick. i wanted a shower first, but she was being now now now. but since we went straight to sex, i think it didnt bother her. but im sure she was a lil suspicious.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. 'Charisma' 10151

    'Charisma' 10151 Living The Dream

    Sep 21, 2017
    Ass to mouth.... if requested ...
    Is a nope, sorry,...
    If assumed.... would be met with...”get your coat!”
    • Like Like x 5
    1. KnightLover1
      What about pussy to mouth?? :D
      KnightLover1, Nov 15, 2017
    2. 'Charisma' 10151
      Kiss me! :kiss:
      'Charisma' 10151, Nov 15, 2017
    3. KnightLover1
      Be happy too :D :woot: *pulls you in for a steamy, deep kiss* :kiss:
      KnightLover1, Nov 15, 2017
    4. KatieColorado
      Ass to mouth is gross. lol, I'm sorry but that's one of the worst things porn has thrust upon us. And yes, I've thrice sucked a man who was previously in my ass (my ex-husband to be exact). It was always spur of the moment and usually sobriety had long left the building but it happened, I own it. And look, I'm hygienic as fuck back there. Other than my regular time every day, my business is clean. But it's still the elimination chamber and there's still a bacterial colony that lives inside all of us, not all of it beneficial to the oral tract.

      Anyways, funny but still gross.
      KatieColorado, Nov 15, 2017
    5. KnightLover1
      I would give anal to a woman, but I would never force her to suck me off after being inside her rectum.. I personally, don't find it a huge turn on at all, now pussy to mouth is different, for most women like to taste their own juices, maybe not all.. But, at least it's less disgusting and not as gross combined.
      KnightLover1, Nov 15, 2017
      Tattooed rob and TommyGspot like this.
  18. E DOG

    E DOG Porn Star

    Dec 22, 2016
    my ex wife said NO!! to anal lol, i finally got my finger in her before we split but that was it lol.
  19. VenusInFurze

    VenusInFurze Online Odalisque

    Oct 30, 2012
    I won’t do anal fisting. I have a connective tissue disorder and I’m worried that something would tear. I have gotten tears during vaginal fisting but that didn’t involve sepsis!
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