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  1. talkisgood

    talkisgood Porn Star

    Jun 15, 2008
    why dont people really speak thier mind when it comes to sexual desires. everyone has them.
  2. sexystu999

    sexystu999 Sex Lover

    Aug 1, 2008
    maybe because they arent sure what other peoples reactions would be :confused:
  3. anonDK

    anonDK Amateur

    Dec 17, 2008
    For me anyway as a woman it is just now that I am learning that many have the same sexual thoughts and desires as I do and that it is healthy and Ok. Growing up there was no one for me to ask -- and I am still very shy even talking about it with any man face-to-face. I think it is easier on a forum like this, without getting embarresed.

    When I have not just simply asked (and maybe this is true for other women too) it could be for different reasons depending on the man and how much we trust/care for him like if we don't want to make ourselves too vulnerable to getting hurt.

    And getting really sexually wild and uninhibited with someone can really open someone up to getting hurt because he could make fun of it later that we did something (because he is sarcastic in joking around or teasing), or tell people we both know and see personally, or insult how I did it when he gets angry or whatever.

    So, I think being gentle (especially when angry) with someone helps a lot with getting them to speak up on what they want, really helps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2008
  4. The Greek

    The Greek Porno Junky

    Nov 22, 2008
    The culture in the US has typically been very prudish about sexuality. This has gone in cycles, of course, as most cultural things do, but in general the US has been more on the prudish side than most of the Western European countries, for example. This cultural bias has tended to make it very difficult for many people to openly discuss anything sexual, since they risk being ostracised by society as a whole. Never underestimate the power of peer pressure.
  5. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    I think it depends which era you were raised. We had no one to ask, cetainly not our parents, and there was no real sex education. I was always very open with my children and they were raised in an atmosphere that any question they asked was answered honestly. For me, now I think I might be afraid to ask because of rejection. And I might be totally off base. It is hard to come to terms with your own sexuality, when you really didn't know you had one. And it comes down to trust. I would really have to trust him. Guess I won't know until I try.
  6. porter

    porter Basstard

    Sep 20, 2006
    Click any incest/younger girl/beasty porn thread on here and see why they[people who spoke their mind] don't do so very much anymore.