Accounting improprieties, disclosure failures, and outright misrepresentations have gotten companies into trouble since the beginning of business.
These are the accusations that Hewlett-Packard has made against software company Autonomy.
As the HP story continues to unfold, we are reminded of some past instances when confusing financial and accounting principles got some big companies on the front page for all of the wrong reasons.
In the recent past, companies have been busted for employing questionable accounting tricks, financial engineering, complicated risk metrics, and outright fraud in an effort to hide losses are inflate profits.
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Definition: An SPV is a legal entity typically used to serve as a counterparty with the main corporation. In finance it often used for securitization, but it has also been used to hide risky corporate behavior/transactions and conceal corporate relationships.
Case: The most notorious case of special purpose entities being used to distort a company's obligations is Enron, which filed for bankruptcy in 2001. Enron used SPVs to lower the appearance of its debt load and overstate earnings and equity.
Mark to Market (MTM)
Definition: MTM is an accounting measure that values accounts to the current environment. Firms use mark-to-market accounting when the value of an asset or liability moves over time.
Case: Bear Stearns, the now defunct investment bank purchased by JP Morgan, reported in June and July of 2007 that its two main hedge funds (the Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Fund and High-Grade Structured Credit Enhanced Leveraged Fund) had to mark down nearly all their value, sparking concerns of contagion in the financial crisis. Banks across Wall Street suffered huge paper losses thanks to MTM.
Repo 105
Definition: Repo 105 is an accounting trick that defines a short-term loan as a sale. A company can then use that cash to lower liabilities before paying back the loan with interest. Generally in the repo market, companies will not exchange collateral because the time period is very short.
Case: Lehman Brothers masked extensive liabilities right before quarter-end by using this Repo 105 tactic. The company ultimately filed for bankruptcy and was sold off to different institutions (with most U.S. operations going to Barclays).
Expense Recognition
Definition: Under generally accepted accounting principals, expenses should be recognized when incurred — not necessarily when the payment is made. This is known as the expense recognition principle.
Case: Diamond Foods allegedly shifted payments to walnut growers to later periods to offset costs during its fiscal 2011 year, inflating earnings as it entered negotiations with Proctor & Gamble. The stock transaction depended heavily on Diamond's share price.
Revenue Recognition
Definition: Under generally accepted accounting principals, revenue should be recognized when the company delivers or performs the task it will be paid for — not necessarily when the payment is received. This is known as the revenue recognition principle. However, exceptions do apply.
Case: Xerox settled with the SEC in 2002 for accelerating revenue recognition of equipment sales by more than $3 billion, which increased pre-tax earnings by $1.5 billion. The company, which was supposed to record revenues both upfront and over a period of time (for servicing equipment over its usable life), moved those service revenues to the time of purchase.
Misrepresented Cash Flows
Definition: The statement of cash flows is the third major financial statement, which tallies cash generated and spent by a company during a fiscal period. This portion of the financial statement of an earnings release is one of the best ways to gauge a company's solvency and actual performance.
Case: WorldCom used its cash flows statement to hide expenses by marking operating costs, which should have been booked as expenses, as capital investments. Under that plan, WorldCom inflated cash flow by $3.8 billion and posted quarters of positive performance when it really lost money.
Channel Stuffing
Definition: Channel stuffing is a practice where a distributor ships retailers excess goods that were not ordered to increase the accounts receivable portion of their balance sheet. Generally, the retailers then ship back the goods and the company must mark them as returns.
Case: Krispy Kreme allegedly sent franchises double their usual shipments at the end of financial quarters so the company could meet Wall Street forecasts. In 2005 the company said it would restate past financial statements.
Hiding Losses in Acquisitions
Definition: Companies can pay high prices for financial advice during a merger, and some have used that guise as a method to cover prior losses.
Case: Japanese technology giant Olympus announced it had been hiding losses on securities investments for years by using the cover of acquisitions. When new CEO Michael Woodford called attention to strange payments made in 2008, he was subsequently fired.
Round Trip Trading
Definition: This is practice where a firm trades an asset and then buys it back many times to inflate its transaction volume. However, the market-manipulation has no impact on profit (although it will bolster top line results).
Case: Dynegy was forced to pay the SEC $3 million after it was found conducting round trip trades with special purpose entities. According to the SEC, Dynegy's "overstatement of its energy-trading activity resulting from 'round-trip' or 'wash' trades — simultaneous, pre-arranged buy-sell trades of energy with the same counter-party, at the same price and volume, and over the same term, resulting in neither profit nor loss to either transacting party."
Smoothing Earnings
Definition: This is a practice where a firm smooths net income by using GAAP techniques to level off fluctuations between periods.
Case: Freddie Mac understated earnings by more than $5 billion over three years to keep earnings consistent and investors happy. According to The New York Times, Freddie Mac lost $111 million during a period it announced net income of nearly $1 billion. Freddie Mac only reported half of what it reported it earned during the third quarter of the year, stating that it earned about $1 billion rather than $2 billion.
Definition: A practice by brokerage houses where they excessively trade securities to generate commission — even when the trades do not benefit the account holder. Similarly, the practice has been conducted by insurance companies by moving clients from one policy to another.
Case: MetLife, just one of a number of insurance companies found guilty of the practice, settled with state regulators and set aside billions for claims that it moved clients from one policy to another, to generate high premiums.
Definition: A transaction where two companies (or people) agree to trade goods or services with each other without the use of currency.
Case: AOL was investigated by the SEC and Justice Department for inflating revenue by using barter trades for online advertising and recognizing the trade as a sale in the period leading up to the merger with Time Warner.
Tax Evasion
Definition: Pretty simple: an illegal practice where a person or company does not pay the correct tax liabilities owed to the government.
Case: Crazy Eddie, a discount electronics retailer, evaded taxes for years before going public by "skimming and under-reporting income." This was just one of the practices the company used to bolster results.
Back Dating Employee Stock Options
Definition: The process where a company offers options to an employee at a date before the actual date the option was made. Companies have done this so they can set better exercise prices to the employee (generally pushing the option into the money).
Case: Apple came under scrutiny for back dating options to employees and forced then-CEO Steve Jobs and other Apple executives to pay $14 million, plus attorney fees.
Goodwill Impairments
Definition: Although not illegal, companies have come under pressure from investors for overstating goodwill — which bolsters the balance sheet. Goodwill represents a company's intangible assets (its brand, customer relations, etc.) and often arises during a merger or acquisition.
Case: Green Mountain came under fire for its accounting of goodwill during its acquisition of Van Houtte and how its jump in assets was mainly attributable to that line item on the balance sheet.
Value at Risk (VAR)
Definition: A tool used by financial institutions that estimates probable losses based on historic trends, prices and volatility. Firms generally report VAR data at quarter-end, with confidence intervals, and for periods stretching from one day to two weeks.
Case: JP Morgan is under intense scrutiny after reporting a $2 billion loss after publishing a VAR of just $76 million a quarter earlier for its entire credit portfolio. At that pace, the entire JP Morgan unit could have lost as much as $76 million in value in any given day (to a 95 percent confidence interval).
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