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Nov 11, 2012
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under your covers
pleasuring people


Sex Lover, from under your covers

Bored sitting in my car at work, playing with myself thinking about some of my favorite fantasies and looking at my favorite porn. Jun 26, 2024

    1. st1rbobo45
      Bored sitting in my car at work, playing with myself thinking about some of my favorite fantasies and looking at my favorite porn.
      1. 1Lucky13 likes this.
      2. Dan ForAll
        Dan ForAll
        Sounds hot
        Jun 26, 2024
        st1rbobo45 likes this.
    2. Hotwifevixen
      Thank you for following
      1. st1rbobo45 and Cntlicker527 like this.
      2. st1rbobo45
        You're welcome! You are a very sexy hotwife!!
        Sep 15, 2023
    3. st1rbobo45
      My wife and I have been separated a few months ago. A couple days ago she wanted to fuck. When I stuck my dick in, she was so stretched out!
    4. st1rbobo45
      At the wife's ex father-in-laws house right now being super horny thinking about his cock and I'm craving his cock and I want his cock bad.
      1. cockasorus likes this.
      2. sitonmsjoy
        you should rub your cock with a pillow over it
        Jun 29, 2022
        st1rbobo45 likes this.
      3. st1rbobo45
        @sitonmsjoy I dont even have to cover up with a pillow because I've sucked his cock and he fucked me before.
        Jun 29, 2022
    5. Douglas Wise
      Douglas Wise
      that sounds like a really good idea Just wish I was the ex father in law right now
      1. st1rbobo45 likes this.
      2. st1rbobo45
        I wouldnt have a problem with that, you have a very nice cock.
        May 28, 2022
        Douglas Wise likes this.
      3. Douglas Wise
        Douglas Wise
        thanks I havent had any complaints yet
        May 28, 2022
        st1rbobo45 likes this.
      4. st1rbobo45
        I can definitely see why and I know I wouldn’t complain having some of it. If I did complain it’d be because I want more or that I didn’t get enough of it.
        May 28, 2022
        Douglas Wise likes this.
    6. st1rbobo45
      Thinking that I should maybe go over to my wifes ex-father-in-laws house and suck his cock and get fucked by him. I need a good fucking!!
    7. st1rbobo45
      Wife is letting/making me watch her fuck a BBC for the first time right now! I'm so nervous and excited about it!! Im so ready for this!!
    8. st1rbobo45
      I want to be told how little and worthless my dick is. Please be mean about it.
    9. st1rbobo45
      I've been fucking my sissy pussy every day compared to once a week I fuck my wifes pussy and I have to say I'd much rather get fucked.
      1. Lookingforfun6987 likes this.
    10. st1rbobo45
      I just want to sissy faggot and suck cock! I want to be a pimped out tiny clitty sissy!
    11. st1rbobo45
      I am becoming pussy free for life! I will service only cocks! I will become known to everyone as a cock loving sissy faggot!
    12. Wannaseepussy7
      Thank u for liking my wifes pussy
      1. st1rbobo45 likes this.
    13. st1rbobo45
      Craving cock so fucking bad! I want it so much that I don't even want my wife's pussy anymore.
      1. chucky 515 likes this.
    14. st1rbobo45
      Ready for Thursday! New chastity coming for lock up!
      1. uwant9" likes this.
    15. Stacie_Miller_CCD
      Mmmm!!! Fresh cum right from her pussy... lucky!
      1. uwant9" and st1rbobo45 like this.
      2. st1rbobo45
        Yes, I love eating cum from her pussy and right from the source.
        Sep 9, 2018
        Stacie_Miller_CCD likes this.
    16. Tcs1963
      Thanks for the album like. Bro
      1. st1rbobo45 likes this.
    17. Jos Robinson
      Jos Robinson
      Thanks for the album like ..
      1. st1rbobo45 likes this.
    18. zombiesushi
      My hubby and I love your panty pics, very sexy!
      1. Lookingforfun6987 and Trojan22 like this.
    19. zombiesushi
      My hubby and I love your panty pics, very sexy!
      1. Lookingforfun6987 likes this.
    20. zombiesushi
      My hubby and I love your panty pics, very sexy!
      1. st1rbobo45 likes this.
      2. st1rbobo45
        Thank you very much!
        Feb 24, 2018
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