Snapchat Adds Geofilters For Quick Image Location Tags, And A New Revenue Possibility

Snapchat has added a new feature to its app starting today that will offer special image filters depending on your location. All you need to do to activate them is swipe right from the preview screen after you take a photo, and you’ll receive a text or graphic sticker overlaid on your pic. The location-based filters were drawn up specifically for locations in LA and NYC to begin with, says Snapchat on its official blog.

These require that location services be enabled for Snapchat, but the company says it isn’t storing any of that information about its users. The new feature does look like a potential revenue source for Snapchat, however – one of the geofilters featured in the promo video above shows Disneyland and features some heavy theme park/mouse ear brand promotion.

Snapchat LA Filters

We’ve reached out to Snapchat to see if they are indeed already or plan to monetize geofilters, but a spokesperson said the current ones aren’t paid for and they “can’t comment on future plans around monetization, but [Snapchat] think[s] that the Geofilters are really fun and are excited for people to discover them.”

Above and below you can see a few shots of the geo-fenced filters that Snapchat has been offering for neighborhoods in Los Angeles, and Rio De Janeiro for the World Cup. The video above also shows specific businesses and locations with their own filters, including SoulCycle, the Los Angeles County Museum Of Art, The Getty museum, and Disney Land.

World Cup Filters

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