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  1. CassandraSaturn

    CassandraSaturn XNXX's Naughty Avatar

    Oct 10, 2016
    yeah i'm making a thread about me. so what.. having fun with this :)
    Top ten facts about me:

    1. I act, talk and even dress like Korra. It's funny that one of friends joked the show was based on me.

    2. I'm really smarter than most people.

    3. I eat LOT of foods daily to keep myself strong and in shape, work out often... (Wont say last part, you gotta imagine it.. :D for sure lol)

    4. I game LOT, my most recent is on Battlefield games. They (boys) hate it that i snipe their balls. Hence how i had gotten nickname "Nutshooter" since 2013. :D

    5. I'm Admin of over nearly 20+ facebook pages even those i have created. Owns/admins 270+ groups including my um.. NSFW groups lmao :D

    6. I'm goddamn ATLA/LoK biggest fan and completely devoted to both worlds

    7. I'm actually well known Cosplayer in virtual worlds, such as IMVU and Second Life. Mostly because i do NSFW work that is mostly.. Korra.

    8. Only player to get picked on because i outdo everybody better in games

    9. The fanbase i have are completely awesome, cool people. Very chill. I was gifted lot on video games. so i ended up getting lots of awesome thank you gifts from fans.

    10. I'm only person with actual nickname "Korra" and has been called that since 2012. (Someone found out about it after the series of LoK premiered, then i was flooded by the fanmail about how i got my nickname. Haha)
  2. TwoCards

    TwoCards Porn Star Banned!

    Jun 7, 2014
    11. And her/his/its shit don't stink.

    Wow, you're so awesome. What did we do to deserve your presence?
    • Like Like x 2
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Ok @CassandraSaturn we need to get a couple things straight first. Are you going to fuck the Trump supporters on this forum or not? And if you do will you be using one of those normal sized white strap ons or one of those great big black ones?

    I cannot be responding to all the PMs on these two questions I am getting from all the curious but scared. You need to make the call.

    PS Speaking of which one of them just showed up.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. TwoCards

    TwoCards Porn Star Banned!

    Jun 7, 2014
    After Stumbler cleans the lube out his ass he will lick your strap on clean.
  5. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    @stumbler must not be taking his Alzheimer meds, as he forgets that Cassandra has a penis, so she doesn't need to use a strap on.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    #1: Who is Korra? I am not a gamer, so I've never heard of her.
    #2: I agree that you very smart regarding video games. Everything else? Not so much.
    3#: Video games don't count as exercise.
    4# Why you shoot guys in the balls is in itself interesting and could take an entire thread on its own.
    5#: So is it nearly 20 or over 20?
    6: What is ATLA/LoK? Is that a video game?
    7: I still think that you live in a virtual world.
    8: I'm not sure youre being picked on for being better than others is entirely accurate, but you run with that one.
    9: Are they fans or stalkers?
    10: As I said, I have no idea who Korra is. The fact that the spell check on my phone is going nuts with that name shows it's not just me.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    Shhh. Don't tell anyone, but I think Cassandra is one of Stumbler's socks. My "anonymous" reporters are still working on this story. He's a closet bisexual, but he doesn't want anyone to know. Shhh. This will be our secret. :hilarious:
    • Like Like x 1
  8. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    ATLA and LoK are cartoons.

    "Avatar, the Last Air Bender", and "Legend of Korra", which is the sequel series.

    For the record, I've never seen either show. They are cartoons but that doesn't mean the people who watch them are necessarily little kids.

    OP should largely be ignored.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    Ok. Thanks! I'm a SpongeBob fan myself. :joyful:
    • Like Like x 2
  10. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    SpongeBob's alright. I'm watching old episodes of Bob's Burgers right now.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. deleted user 777 698

    deleted user 777 698 Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 9, 2015
    Family Guy! If ever a cartoon reminded me of Stumbler...
    • Like Like x 1
  12. CassandraSaturn

    CassandraSaturn XNXX's Naughty Avatar

    Oct 10, 2016
    1. Korra from Legend of Korra. a show about 17-year old girl who is now Avatar after the original Avatar dies 70 years ago.

    2. oh i am very smart. i did mentioned that i'm taking GED and several other degrees from my college.

    3. lol you didn't READ it right. video games are not used for that. i WORK out in real life, doing gym workouts and yoga, any of workouts i use.. to remain in shape. it's effective for me.

    4. it's because it's my signature with BF games.

    5. 20+ means 20 plus, which is 20,000 facebook pages. 270+ is 270,000 groups.

    6. ATLA stands for Avatar: The Last Airbender. LoK stands for Legend of Korra. originally used to be TLoK or TLOK, The Legend of Korra. but the name was shortened to Legend of Korra by Nick. and they are World's most popular animated televised series. ATLA alone has 89 episodes, LoK has 52 episodes. and yes they have video game versions too.

    7. sadly, no. not really.

    8. of course i am. i get picked on because i'm better. better at everything.

    9. they're fans.

    10. Korra is name for a girl which is southern water tribe name. her name Korra follows a longstanding tradition in the polar Water Tribes, where often people include one or two "K"s and/or have an "AH" sound in their name as explained in Korra's Avatar Wikia and here is version of Korra explained by Wikipedia.
  13. CassandraSaturn

    CassandraSaturn XNXX's Naughty Avatar

    Oct 10, 2016
    do you have anything to say JDB?
  14. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    I have one question. What's up with all the threads from Cassandra today?

    I've seen the movie Avatar, but I don't think the cartoon is the same thing. As I said earlier, I'm not a gamer, but it's cool if you're into it. I had a Wi years ago, but played zombie hunting games.

    Since you're so into computer gaming, did you ever consider going into designing them as a career? I think that they make pretty good money.
  15. CassandraSaturn

    CassandraSaturn XNXX's Naughty Avatar

    Oct 10, 2016
    i don't show my list of professions that much, but Game Designer is one of them.
  16. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
  17. CassandraSaturn

    CassandraSaturn XNXX's Naughty Avatar

    Oct 10, 2016
    look, none of you don't have right to attack me, troll me and jumping on me, calling me he. rest of you have no idea how much people like me go through. i'll quote this from old post on my personal tumblr. dated September 1st 2016.

    this is self-explanatory and why i do not want this on every forum for same, shitty reasons. OPEN your eyes, the world is different now. HERE are people starting to accept LGBT communities, but sure here are people with phobia in regards to people such as gay, lesbian and bisexual, transgender. i had to DEAL with these racist members on BSN LEGACY/BSN PRIME for SEVEN YEARS now. and i still have to deal with such people like you.

    damn hell sure are not a fucking Sock to anyone. not even to those that claim i am.

    don't believe me? you can find same post here to see for yourself.
  18. noboat

    noboat Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2009
    Where's the boobies???
    1. Jdbfromnj
      No boobies here.
      Jdbfromnj, Jun 14, 2017
  19. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    We had a BD party for my wife's 18 yr old granddaughter last Sunday. Two freaks show up and they're sisters. One thought it would like to be a boy,
    so it went from Gabriel, to Gabe. It was taking male hormones, had hairy under arms and some kind of hole making apparatus in its' earlobes. Someone
    called it a her, and it ran to its' car and cried a lot. The other sister shows up with a weinie dog in its' arms. Walked right into my house. WHOA THERE!
    No dogs in my house. But it's a service dog. I don't give a shit what you call it, it's not coming in my house. Sets it down outside and the fucker starts scratching
    on the back door. I went out and placed it in my fenced in area. She came out and released it, and then carried it in my pool. OH HELL NO! Get that dog out of
    my pool, don't bring it in the house, leave it where I had placed it. Well, that upset her so much she had to leave the party. Their parents must be proud...

    So they were having a discussion of revealing what the newborn would be by blowing pink smoke out of a balloon for a girl, maybe blue powder out of a motorcycle
    exhaust for a boy. I suggested purple...you're having a transgender!!! Only us older people thought that was funny...
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    The holes in the ears are called gauges. Some people like them, but they stretch the skin to the point that the holes are permanent. The girl with the dog sounds like a real bitch. I'd have told her to take her dog and hit the road. I'm curious though. How'd they figure they could have kids? The she/he can't produce sperm, or didn't they know that? You sure had some interesting characters at your party, regardless.
    1. conroe4
      Yes, those were the weird ones. They were all band nerds. Some of the kids were personable, looked me in the eye, and I would like to
      shake their parent's hand. Really good job. But these two freaks were my worst, and they're going to have a tough life...just like this little
      black boy that thinks it's a girl, and can ride motorcycles, and be a super hero. It's gonna be very disappointed when reality sets in.

      The girl with the dog said she needed the dog to cope with life. I scared the shit out of her, and probably scarred her for life, but I didn't
      even let my own dog come in the house. He died just before I put in the pool. He was a labrador that swam in the lake daily. I don't know how
      I would have kept him out of the pool, but he was very well behaved and well trained. But he SO loved water.

      Oh! and get this!!! that weinie dog was a miniature male dachshund. It's name was "Suzy". Jesus H. Christ.
      conroe4, Jun 14, 2017