CBS' Allie LaForce explains how she landed interview with Phil Martelli's grandson
To get Philip Martelli, St. Joseph coach Phil Martelli's grandson, for a sideline interview, CBS/Turner sideline reporter Allie LaForce had to negotiate a bit.
When she first approached the 4-year-old for an interview during the UConn-St. Joseph's game, he was hesitant. "Well we’ll have to see," he told her, "because my granddad doesn't talk during the game. That’s when I need to draw out my plays."
Martelli became an internet sensation when a CBS producer zoomed in on him earlier this season. In addition to his interview with LaForce he has appeared on local morning news shows -- and in highlights all over the internet. Much like his grandfather, the younger Martelli wears a suit coat and tie (though his is quite oversized) and diagrams plays on the sidelines of games. He also perfectly mimics his grandfather's face during games.
In addition to doing a perfect impersonation of his grandfather, the young "coach" does a perfect impression of the team's mascot, LaForce said. "He was being the mascot because he didn't talk."
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During the interview, the pint-sized Martelli explained that when he was acting like his grandfather he had to "fold my arms. And when I fold my arms I put two fingers on to my cheek."
"He had no fear," said LaForce.
So did he ask for her digits?
"No," laughed LaForce. "But I did read one tweet that he’s going to regret that later."
While the Martelli interview may have been her most adorable one of the NCAA tournament, LaForce points to her interview of Dayton's Devin Oliver's sister as a highlight for her. Miya Oliver, who has Down Syndrome, is an enthusiastic supporter of her brother. LaForce met her earlier this season at the Maui Invitational.
"She was the most educated well-spoken proud sister you could ever imagine," said LaForce.